Monday, 9 May 2011

Save St Charles Hall Hadfield

We are looking to try and launch a friends group to save St Charles Hall in Hadfield. The hall is around 150 years old and use to be St Charles School until it moved to Chapel Lane. The school was once attended by Booker Prize winner Hilary Mantel. When the school moved the hall was used by the church for plays and events, the hall was also used for scouts, guides, brownies and was also the polling station for the local and general election.

We are looking for people to get involved with the saving the hall, we are having an event outside the church near the Rectory on the 11th of June at 10-2pm to raise some funds and to form a friends group and generally find out what people would like to see the building used as. there will be tea and coffee and cakes, a bouncy castle and a questionnaire to find out what people want to see happen to the building. Some of our ideas are to use the building as a community centre with the police and community housing based there.

The building is in a poor state of repair at the moment, if we can get a group together we could then look at lottery funding to renovate and improve the building to bring it back into use. There are several people keen to get involved and the building is currently maintained by Darrell Critchlow. There is support from local councillors Vicky Mann, Bob Mckeown, Dave Wilcox and Edward Siddall.

If anyone wants to get involved or help out then please contact my on or on 07977729905, your help is essential to save the hall.

in the picture from left to right is

Vicky Mann, Edward Siddall, Susan Siddall, Darrell Critchlow, jo Helliar.

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